ما زنده به آنیم که آرام نگیریم
موجیم که آسودگی ما عدم ماست
"We are alive due to our unrest
We are the wave as our rest is our demise"
- Saib Tabrizi
من مرغ طوفانم نیندیشم ز طوفان
موجم نه آن موجی که از دریا گریزد
روز نخست چون دم رندی زدیم و عشق
شرط آن بود که جز ره آن شیوه نسپریم
"I am the bird of the storm I don’t think about the storm
I am the wave not the wave that escapes from the sea
The first day we spoke about freethinking and love
The condition was that we would not go other ways than that"
- Shapour Bakhtiar
اگر ساكت بنشینم, گناه كرده ام
"If I sit silently, I have sinned"
- Mohammad Mossadegh
"Все что нужно для торжества зла это бездействие добрых людей, поэтому бездействовать не надо."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. So don’t be inactive."
- Alexey Navalny
خفته بودستید تا اکنون شما
که کنون جامه دریدیت از عزا
پس عزا بر خود کنید ای خفتگان
زانک بد مرگیست این خواب گران
"Have ye been asleep till now, that (only)
now ye have rent your garments in mourning?
Then, O sleepers, mourn for yourselves,
for this heavy slumber is an evil death."
- Rumi
ما را از تهدیدات خود نه ترسانید چون ترسی در دل ما نیست، دیگر جای ترسی نمانده، شلاق و شکنجه شدن، ما را از اطلاعرسانیکردن باز نمیدارد. اگر شعار شما این است که ما بازداشت میکنیم، شکنجه میدهیم. شما سکوت کنید! شما اطلاعرسانی نکنید
شعار ما هم این است. پا به میدان گذاشتیم در این مبارزه یا از قفس تن رهایی مییابیم یا قفس ظلم شما را درهم میشکنیم
"Do not frighten us with your threats because there is no fear in our hearts, there is no room for fear anymore, flogging and torture do not stop us from informing. If your slogan is that we detain, we torture. You should be silent! You should not inform!
This is our slogan. We have entered the field of this struggle, either we will free our bodies from the cage, or we will break the cage of your oppression."
- Sattar Beheshti
سکوت شما یعنی حمایت از ظلم و ظالم
"Your silence means supporting oppression and oppressors"
- Navid Afkari
سکوت ما خیانت است
"Our silence is a betrayal"
- Amin Bazrgar
بدانید من از مرگ و حبس و شکنجه نمی ترسم، ترسِ من از اینه که تنفروشی از فقر ببینم و خفه شم، مردم رو تا کمر تو سطل آشغالا ببینم و خفه شم، ببینم کارگر رو میزنی خفه شم، معترض رو میکُشی بعد داغدارش رو، حقخواهش رو شکنجه میکنی و خفه شم ... بین ما و شما دریای خونه
"Know that I am not afraid of death, imprisonment and torture, my fear is that I will see prostitution out of poverty and shut up, I will see people up to their backs in trash containers and shut up, I will see you beat up workers and shut up, you kill protesters, and then you torture their mourners and seekers of justice and shut up ... between us and you there is a sea of blood"
اگه دیدی درد مردمو ولی چشاتو بستی، ظلم به مظلوم رو دیدی و از کنارش رفتی، اگه از ترس یا واسه منفعتت توبه کردی، توام همدست ظالم هستی، توام مجرم هستی
"If you saw people’s pain and closed your eyes, if you saw oppression of innocents and just walked by, if you did it out of fear or for your own gain, you’re an ally of the tyrant, a criminal just the same"
"You are dealing with a mafia that is ready to kill the entire nation... in order to keep its power, money and weapons."
- Toomaj Salehi
"Yes … knowing that my family, my children are being threatened, as a mother, because I know it can curb their education, it can curb their progress… yes I am fearful because of that.
But on the other hand, I’m also frightened that if I don’t do anything, if I stay passive, that would lead to worsening of the situation.
Despite my fear, I try and do what is going to be more helpful for freeing the country and freeing our people."
"Our children should not inherent silence from us."
- Nasrin Sotoudeh
"Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly."
- Mahatma Gandhi
"What is the source of our first suffering? It lies in the fact that we hesitated to speak. It was born in the moment when we accumulated silent things within us."
- Gaton Bachelard
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope."
- Robert F. Kennedy
ای که دستت میرسد کاری بکن
پیش از آن کز تو نیاید هیچ کار
"O, you that can reach, do something
Before you are unable to do anything"
- Saadi
"Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous; more dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions."
"Intolerance is inclined to censor, and censorship promotes ignorance of the arguments of others and thus intolerance itself: a rigid, vicious circle that is hard to break."
"A country is considered the more civilised the more the wisdom and efficiency of its laws hinder a weak man from becoming too weak and a powerful one too powerful."
- Primo Levi
خیز از جا، پی آزادی خویش
خواهر من، ز چه رو خاموشی
خیز از جای که باید زین پس
خون مردان ستمگر نوشی
کن طلب حق خود ای خواهر من
از کسانی که ضعیف خوانند
از کسانی که بعد حیله و فن
گوشه خانه ترا بنشانند
تا به کی در حرم شهوت مرد
مایه عشرت و لذت بودن
تا به کی همچو کنیزی بدبخت
سر مغرور به پایش سودن
باید این ناله خشم آلودت
بی گمان نعره و فریاد شود
باید این بند گران پاره کنی
تا ترا زندگی آزاد شود
خیز از جای و بکن ریشه ظلم
راحتی بخش دل پر خون را
جهد کن جهد که تامین کنی
بهر آزادی خود قانون را
"To My Sister"
"Sister, rise up after your freedom,
why are you quiet?
rise up because henceforth
you have to imbibe the blood of tyrannical men.
Seek your rights, Sister,
from those who keep you weak,
from those whose myriad tricks and schemes
keep you seated in a corner of the house.
How long will you be the object of pleasure
In the harem of men's lust?
how long will you bow your proud head at his feet
like a benighted servant?
How long for the sake of a morsel of bread,
will you keep becoming an aged haji's temporary wife,
seeing second and third rival wives.
oppression and cruelty, my sister, for how long?
This angry moan of yours
must surly become a clamorous scream.
you must tear apart this heavy bond
so that your life might be free.
Rise up and uproot the roots of oppression.
give comfort to your bleeding heart.
for the sake of your freedom, strive
to change the law, rise up."
- Forough Farrokhzad
زن، زندگی، آزادی
"Woman, Life, Freedom"
- Iranian protesters
سرود زندگی
سخت هراسیدهای از دل یک رنگ ما
شرح شجاعت بخوان از خط آهنگ ما
ای زده چنگی به ننگ تکیه به اورنگ ما
شیشه در آوردهای تا شکنی سنگ ما
به نفرین گیرندهی مادران
به فریاد پاشیده بر آسمان
به خشم خروشیده از خاوران
به عصیان بشکوه نسل جوان
برون کن سر از زیر یوغ بردگی
برآور سرود زندگی
رها کن دل از بغض مانده در گلو
تو هم با همه جهان بگو
رها شو رها شو ز قید آرزو
نگه کن نگه کن به صبح پیش رو
چه مانده از این شب به جز دو لکه غم
به شادی بزن طرح تازهای رقم
بزن پا بزن پا به تخت واژگون
بشو دست و صورت به آبشار خون
به مهسا به نیکا به خشم و خون نگر
به آبان از کشته لالهگون نگر
به پروانهها در حصار پیلهها
به آزاده در بند و حصر میلهها
برای شهیدان خفته در خفا
آه برادر مزن شیشهی خواهر به سنگ
خام مباش و مخور نان حرام از تفنگ
آنچه به خون شستهای جان عزیز من است
گوش کن ای هموطن بانگ رسای زن است
برون کن سر از زیر یوغ بردگی
برآور سرود زندگی
رها کن دل از بغض مانده در گلو
تو هم با همه جهان بگو
زن زندگی آزادی
"Life's Anthem"
"You are desperately frightened of our harmonious hearts
Read the account of courage from our song line
Oh, you who have infamously occupied our throne
You've brought glass to break our stones
To the mother's curse that will haunt you
To the cries splashed in the sky
To the rage erupted from Khavaran
To the glorious rebellion of the young generation
Free your head from the yoke of slavery
Sing the Anthem of Life!
Free your heart from the grudge lingered in your throat
You also recite with the whole world
Free yourself, save yourself from the bondage of desire
Behold, behold the coming morning!
What is left of this night but two spots of grief?!
Joyfully draw up a novel plan!
Strike the overturned throne!
Wash your hands and face in the waterfall of blood!
Behold Mahsa, Nika, the rage and blood
Behold the Bloodshot Aban, embracing the killed tulips
To the butterflies imprisoned in cocoons,
To the free-spirited people behind bars,
For the martyrs buried in secret
Oh, brother don't break your sister's glass with stone
Don't be deluded and don't earn your ill-gotten daliy bread by gun
What you've washed with blood is my dear soul companion
Listen, fellow countryman, it is the sonorous voice of the woman
Free your head from the yoke of slavery
Sing the Anthem of Life!
Free your heart from the grudge lingered in your throat
You also recite with the whole world
Woman, Life, Freedom"
(Translated by Bektaş Kılıç)
- Mehdi Yarrahi
به فردا
به گلگشت جوانان
یاد ما را زنده دارید ای رفیقان!
که ما در ظلمت شب
زیر بال وحشی خفاش خون آشام
نشاندیم این نگین صبح روشن را
به روی پایه ی انگشتر فردا.
و خون ما
به سرخی گل لاله
به گرمی لب تبدار بیدل
به پاکی تن بیرنگ ژاله
ریخت بر دیوار هر کوچه
و رنگی زد به خاک تشنه ی هر کوه
و نقشی شد به فرش سنگی میدان هر شهری
و این است آن پرند نرم شنگرفی
که می بافید
و این است آن گل آتش فروز شمعدانی
که در باغ بزرگ شهر می خندد
و این است آن لب لعل زنانی را
که می خواهید
و پرپر می زند ارواح ما
اندر سرود عشرت جاویدتان
و عشق ماست لای برگ های هر کتابی را
که می خوانید.
شما یاران نمی دانید
چه تب هایی، تن رنجور ما را آب می کرد
چه لب هایی، به جای نقش خنده، داغ می شد
و چه امیدهایی در دل غرقاب خون، نابود می گردید
ولی ما دیده ایم اندر نمای دوره ی خود
حصار ساکت زندان
که در خود می فشارد نغمه های زند گانی را
و رنجی کاندرون کوره ی خود می گدازد آهن تنها
طلسم پاسداران فسون، هرگز نشد کارا
کسی از ما،
نه پای از راه گردانید
و نه در راه دشمن گام زد
و این صبحی که می خندد به روی بام هاتان
و این نوشی که می جوشد درون جام هاتان
گواه ماست، ای یاران!
گواه پایمردی های ما
گواه عزم ما
کز رزم ما
جانانه تر شد.
"To the morrow"
"In the pleasure ground of the youth
Revive our memory
O friends!
For in the darkness of the night we,
Under the wild wing of the blood sucking bat,
Laid this bezel of bright morning
On the base of the future ring.
And our blood,
Red as the tulip,
Warm as the feverish lip of the enamored,
And pure as the colorless shape of the dew,
Poured on the walls in every street,
And painted the thirsty soil of each mountain
And stamped its seal on the cobblestone street in each city square,
And this is that soft silk of vermilion
Which you were weaving,
And this is that glowing fire of the geranium
Which was laughing in the big garden of the city,
And this is the ruby like lips of women
Which you desire;
And our spirits flutter
In the music of the eternal feasting,
And it is our love within the sheets of each book
Which you are reading.
You friends don't know
How loneliness melted our sick bodies,
What lips were branded instead of letting them to laugh,
And what hopes were destroyed in the whirlpool of blood.
But we have seen in our own time:
The silent fortification of the prison
Which is suffocating the melodies of life
And the pain,
That burned the body in its own furnace.
The bewitching talismans of wizards never worked;
None of us
Strayed from our path,
Neither compromised with the enemy;
And this morning which is laughing over your roofs,
And this wine which is boiling in your cups,
Attest our exertions, o friends!
Attests our struggles,
Attests our will
Which was further strengthened
By wars."
(Translated by Manavaz Alexadrian)
- Mohammad Zohari
"If an able claw helps me some day,
I’ll break the dictator’s claw from its arm."
"I am willing to sacrifice for my country
My whole existence, my soul and my body.
Wretched and helpless is no one like me, and yet
More wretched and helpless than me is my country."
"The poverty of the nation and people’s ignorance
What can I say? They’re spread in every place.
Make an endeavor and move, o nation!
Yourself rescue from this humiliation.
Like a lion break this chain.
Kill that king, this emir, and thane.
If you are wise, act like one demented by love.
Turn the occupier out of your house."
از خون جوانان وطن لاله دمیده
هنگامِ می و فصلِ گل و گشتِ چمن شد
دربار بهاری تهی از زاغ و زغن شد
از ابرِ کرم، خطّهٔ ری رشکِ خُتَن شد
دلتنگ چو من مرغِ قفس بهرِ وطن شد
چه کجرفتاری ای چرخ
چه بدکرداری ای چرخ
سرِ کین داری ای چرخ
نه دین داری،
نه آئین داری نه آیین داری ای چرخ
از خونِ جوانان وطن لاله دمیده
از ماتم سروِ قدشان، سرو خمیده
در سایهٔ گل بلبل از این غصه خزیده
گل نیز چو من در غمشان جامه دریده
خوابند وکیلان و خرابند وزیران
بردند به سرقت همه سیم و زرِ ایران
ما را نگذارند به یک خانهٔ ویران
یا رب بستان دادِ فقیران زِ امیران
از اشک همه روی زمین زیر و زبر کن
مشتی گرت از خاکِ وطن هست بهسر کن
غیرت کن و اندیشهٔ ایامِ بتر کن
اندر جلو تیرِ عدو، سینه سپر کن
از دستِ عدو نالهٔ من از سرِ درد است
اندیشه هر آنکس کند از مرگ، نه مرد است
جانبازیِ عشاق، نه چون بازیِ نرد است
مردی گرت هست، کنون وقتِ نبرد است
عارف زِ ازل، تکیه بر ایام ندادهاست
جز جام، به کس دست، چو خیام ندادهاست
دل جز بهسر زلفِ دلارام ندادهاست
صد زندگی ننگ بیک نام ندادهاست
"From the blood of the youth of the country, tulips have grown"
"It is the time for wine and the season of flowers and walking in the grass.
The court of spring is empty of ravens and kites.
With its generous clouds, the land of Ray [Tehran] is the envy of Khotan [in China]
Like me, the caged bird misses his native land.
How crooked are you, oh universe
How wrong are you, oh universe
You are bent on revenge
You have neither religion nor rules, oh universe
From the blood of the youth of the country, tulips have grown.
From mourning their stature, the cypress is bent over.
In the shadow of the flower the nightingale is lying hid.
The flower, also like me in sorrow, tore its garment for them.
The representatives are asleep and the ministers are corrupt.
They stole all the gold and silver of Iran.
They have left to us only a ruined house.
Oh friend, take the rights of the poor from the princes.
From tears, revolutionize everyone in the land.
Even if a fistful of land is in your hand, pour it on your head.
Show a sense of honor, think that what is coming is worse.
In front of the bullet of the enemy use your breast as a shield.
My complaint is from trouble at the hand of the enemy.
Whoever thinks of death is not a man.
Lovers playing with life is not like a game of backgammon.
If you are a man, now is the time of battle.
Aref, from the very beginning, did not set stock in the material world.
Like Khayyam, except for the wine glass he did not give a hand to anyone.
He did not give his heart but to the hair of the beloved.
He did not give a 100 unworthy lives for his good name."
(Translated by Margaret Caton)
- Aref Qazvini
دویست سال از حمله اعراب به ايران می گذشت زبان فارسی رفته رفته از مدارس و مکاتبات ديوانی حذف و به جای آن زبان عربی اجباری و تعليم داده می شد. خلفای عباسی در بغداد با اينکه خلافت خود را مديون ايرانيان می دانستند با تکبر و غرور خاصی ايرانيان مسلمان را والی خوانده و از هيچگونه ظلم و ستمی بر آنان کوتاهی نمی کردند. در سيستان خشک سالی اتفاق افتاده بود ولی مامورين خليفه بيرحمانه خراج و ماليات سنگينی را از دهقانان و بازرگانان طلب کرده و بسوی بغداد می فرستادند تا صرف خوشگذرانی خلفای عباسی گردد. در اين ميان جوانمردی رويگر زاده از سيستان برمی خيزد...(يعقوب ليث صفاری) او با گردآوری دلاوران سيستان و ديگر نقاط ايران زمين به جنگ با خليفه می پردازد و تمامی سيستان و خراسان تا ماورانهر و مازندران و گيلان و ری و اصفهان و فارس و کرمان تا قسمتی از خوزستان را از تسلط متجاوزان عرب آزاد می کند. يعقوب در فرمانی به تمام نقاط ايران زبان عربی را حذف و زبان فارسی دری را رايج می کند (در دفاتر ديوانی وحکومتی) تا بعدها ما شاهد ظهور عارفان وشاعران بسياری در فرهنگ وادب ايران همچون فردوسی و مولوی و نظامی و حافظ و سعدی باشيم که چگونه در رونق وگسترش زبان پارسی پاسداری کردند. اگر يعقوب ليث صفاری چنين کار عظيمی برای زبان و ادب پارسی انجام نمی داد کشور ما هم امروز مانند تمامی کشورهای شمال آفريقا عرب زبان بودند. خليفه که تجربه برافتادن خاندان بنی اميه بدست ايرانيان را داشت هراسان پيکی بسوی يعقوب می فرستد و می گويد تمامی نقاطی که در ايران تصرف کرديد از آن تو باشد ولی مرا به خلافت مسلمين بپذيريد. يعقوب ليث صفاری نان و پياز و شمشيری را در يک سينی می گذارد و در پاسخ به خليفه چنين می گويد: تو يک متجاوز به خاک ايران هستی و در مقامی نيستی که ملک ايران را به ايرانی ببخشی من يک رويگر زاده ايرانی هستم غذای من ساده است نان و پياز ولی پاسخ من به متجاوزی مانند تو به خاک ايران هر چند خود را خليفه مسلمين بخوانی اين شمشير است.
(کتاب تاريخ سيستان و ايران)
محمدتقی بهار
"Two hundred years had passed since the Arab invasion of Iran, and Persian language was gradually removed from schools and civil correspondence and Arabic language was taught instead. The Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad, despite the fact that they owed their caliphate to the Iranians, called the Iranians their governors with a certain arrogance and pride, and did not refrain from any kind of cruelty and oppression against them. There was a drought in Sistan, but the agents of the caliph mercilessly demanded tribute and heavy taxes from the farmers and merchants and sent them to Baghdad to spend on the entertainment of the Abbasid caliphs. In the meantime, a chivalrous son of a coppersmith rises from Sistan... (Yaqub Layth Saffar) He gathers the brave men of Sistan and other parts of Iran to fight with the caliph, and he frees all of Sistan and Khurasan up to Mavranhar, Mazandaran, Gilan, Ray, Isfahan and Fars and Kerman to a part of Khuzestan from the control of the Arab aggressors. In an order to all parts of Iran, Yaqub removed the Arabic language and popularized the Persian language (in the civil and government offices) so that later we would witness the emergence of many mystics and poets in Iran's literary culture, such as Ferdowsi, Molavi, Nizami, Hafez, and Saadi. They guarded the prosperity and expansion of the Persian language. If Yaqub Layth Saffar had not done such a great work for the Persian language and literature, our country would be Arabic-speaking like all the North African countries. The caliph, who had the experience of the Umayyad family falling into the hands of the Iranians, sent a messenger to Yaqub in fear and said that all the places you captured in Iran should be yours, but accept me as the Muslim caliphate. Yaqub Layth Saffar puts bread, onions and a sword in a tray and says in response to the caliph: You are an aggressor on the Iranian soil and you are not in a position to give the property of Iran to an Iranian. I am a native Iranian, my food is simple, bread and onions, but my answer to an aggressor like you on the Iranian soil, even if you call yourself the caliph of Muslims, is this sword."
(History book of Sistan and Iran)
- Mohammad-Taqi Bahar
قسم به خون یاران
ایستادهایم تا پایان
قسم به اشک شادی
در لحظۀ آزادی
اگرچه دژخیمان میکِشند
زنان و مردان وطن به بند
نشستهازپا نیست بینمان
کنارم ای همرزم من بمان
گلولهبارانِ بیثمر
شکنجه و زندانِ بیاثر
سلاح مزدوران هر چه هست
ز خون یاران میخورد شکست
ای شهید خفته در خون
لالۀ این خاک گلگون
نامت از شرق بردمیده
ای خوشا مرگ در سپیده
قسم به خون یاران
ایستادهایم تا پایان
قسم به اشک شادی
در لحظۀ آزادی
کشیدهایم دست از مال و جان
برای پیکار با ستمگران
برای آزادی از قفس
یکی شدیم تا آخرین نفس
درون رگ خون آمد به جوش
جهانیان مبهوت این خروش
به خون پاک دوستان قسم
که تا رهایی مانده یک قدم
ای شهید خفته در خون
لالۀ این خاک گلگون
نامت از شرق بردمیده
ای خوشا مرگ در سپیده
"Oath to the blood of friends
We stand until the end
Oath to the tears of joy
At the moment of freedom
Although the executioners
Tie up women and men of the homeland
There is no tiredness amongst us
Stay by my side, my battle ally
Fruitless rain of bullets
Useless torture and imprisonment
Whatever the mercenary's weapon is
It meets defeat at the blood of friends
O martyr sleeping in blood
The tulip of this red soil
Your name rises from the east
O blessed death in dawn
Oath to the blood of friends
We stand until the end
Oath to the tears of joy
At the moment of freedom
We have given up property and life
To fight the oppressors
For freedom from the cage
We become united until the last breath
The blood boiled inside the vein
The world is shocked by this roar
I swear by the pure blood of friends
That there is one step until liberation
O martyr sleeping in blood
The tulip of this red soil
Your name rises from the east
O blessed death in dawn"
- Farzad Fattahi
ین نامه را برایت، از خاک کوچههای سرد
با خون سرخ خود نوشتم، تا روید خندهها ز درد
چون روز دیگر آید روحم جان سبزههاست
خورشید جاودان آزادی نور آسمان ماست
سوگند به خون همرهانم، سوگند به اشک مادران
هرگز به تیغشان نمیرد فریاد جاودان ما
ما سیل خون آبان، با بیعدالتی عجین
تنها گناهمان خروش خشمی بود در جواب کین
جسم و جان بیپناهم، آماج تیر ظالمان
مغرور و سربلندم و میبالم بر انقلابمان
سوگند به عاشقان ایران، سوگند به شور زاهدان
از راه رفته برنگردم تا روز کوچ غاصبان
سوگند به خون همرهانم، سوگند به اشک مادران
هرگز به تیغشان نمیرد فریاد جاودان ما
دانشجويان دانشكده هنر دانشگاه تهران
"I wrote this letter for you, from the grounds of the cold alleys
I wrote it with my own crimson blood, so smiles would grow from agonies
When a new day comes, my soul will be the essence of meadows
The everlasting sunshine of freedom will be the lucence of our skies
Swear to my comrades' blood, swear to the mother's teardrops
These blades could never slaughter our never-ending shouts
We, the torrent from Bloody Aban, have been entangled with injustice
Our only sin was a roar of anger in response to their malice
My defenseless body and soul are the target of the tyrants' shots
Yet, I'm proud and exhilarated by this glorious revolution of ours
Swear to the lovers of Iran, swear to the uproar of Zahedan
I don't turn back from this movement until the usurpers get kicked out
Swear to my comrades' blood, swear to the mother's teardrops
These blades could never slaughter our never-ending shouts"
(Translated by Mohamed Zaki)
- Students of Faculty of Arts Tehran University
تسلیت نگید، قیام را ادامه دهید
"Don’t offer condolences, continue the uprising"
- Mother of killed Iranian protester Dariush Alizadeh
ای ایران
ای ایران ای مرز پرگهر
ای خاکت سرچشمه هنر
دور از تو اندیشه بدان
پاینده مانی تو جاودان
ای دشمن ار تو سنگ خارهای من آهنم
جان من فدای خاک پاک میهنم
مهر تو چون شد پیشهام
دور از تو نیست اندیشهام
در راه تو کی ارزشی دارد این جان ما
پاینده باد خاک ایران ما
سنگ کوهت در و گوهر است
خاک دشتت بهتر از زر است
مهرت از دل کی برون کنم
برگو بیمهر تو چون کنم
تا گردش جهان و دور آسمان به پاست
نور ایزدی همیشه رهنمای ماست
ایران ای خرم بهشت من
روشن از تو سرنوشت من
گر آتش بارد به پیکرم
جز مهرت در دل نپرورم
از آب و خاک و مهر تو سرشته شد گلم
مهر اگر برون رود تهی شود دلم
"O Iran"
"O Iran! O land of gems abound!
Thy soil nurtureth masters liberal.
Far be from Thee the enemies' method;
May Thou remain lasting and eternal.
O enemy, if thou art of rock, I am of steel.
My life I sacrifice for my land’s noble soil.
Thy love hath become my lead,
My thoughts are never far from Thee.
For Thee my life worthless and hopeless may be,
May the land of Iran eternal be!
Thy peaks are of gems and jewels made,
Soil of Thy fields richer than gold.
Tell me what to do without Thy love?
If ever from my heart departed.
Whilst the universe and heavens wheel,
Forever shall the Divine Light lit our trail.
O Iran, O my beautiful hearth!
Bright is my destiny because of Thee.
Even if fire on my body raineth,
Only shall I exult with Thy love heartily.
Of Thy love, water and Thine earth I am,
Should love depart, earthen shall my heart become."
- Hossein Gol-e-Golab
دوباره میسازمت وطن!
اگر چه با خشت جان خویش
ستون به سقف تو می زنم،
اگر چه با استخوان خویش
دوباره می بویم از تو گُل،
به میل نسل جوان تو
دوباره می شویم از تو خون،
به سیل اشک روان خویش
دوباره ، یک روز آشنا،
سیاهی از خانه میرود
به شعر خود رنگ می زنم،
ز آبی آسمان خویش
اگر چه صد ساله مرده ام،
به گور خود خواهم ایستاد
که بردَرَم قلب اهرمن،
ز نعره ی آنچنان خویش
کسی که «عظم رمیم» را
دوباره انشا کند به لطف
چو کوه می بخشدم شکوه،
به عرصه ی امتحان خویش
اگر چه پیرم ولی هنوز،
مجال تعلیم اگر بُوَد،
جوانی آغاز می کنم
کنار نوباوگان خویش
حدیث حب الوطن ز شوق
بدان روش ساز می کنم
که جان شود هر کلام دل،
چو برگشایم دهان خویش
هنوز در سینه آتشی،
بجاست کز تاب شعله اش
گمان ندارم به کاهشی،
ز گرمی دمان خویش
دوباره می بخشی ام توان،
اگر چه شعرم به خون نشست
دوباره می سازمت به جان،
اگر چه بیش از توان خویش
"My country, I will build you again,
if need be with bricks made of my life.
I will build columns to support your roof,
if need be, with my bones.
Once more I’ll breath the perfume
of flowers loved by your youth.
Once more I will wash the blood stains
on your body with my flowing tears.
Once more, the darkness will leave this house,
and I will paint my poems blue
with the color of our sky.
And in his generosity the resurrector of old bones
will grant me the splendor of your mountains.
Old I may be, but I can still learn,
given another chance.
I will begin a second youth alongside my progeny.
I will recount the hadith of Love of Homeland
with such passion as to bring life to every word.
The fire still burns in my breast
of the love for my people.
My poems may be drenched in blood
But you shall make me strong.
I will build you again with my life,
however meager my means."
(Translated by Farzaneh Milani)
- Simin Behbahani
وطن پرنده ی پر در خون
وطن شکفته گل در خون
وطن فلات شهید و شب
وطن پا تا به سر خون
وطن ترانه ی زندانی
وطن قصیده ی ویرانی
ستاره ها اعدامیان ظلمت
به خاک اگر چه میریزند
سحر دوباره بر میخیزند
بخوان که دوباره بخواند
این عشیره ی زندانی
گل سرود شکستن را
بگو که به خون بسراید
این قبیله ی قربانی
حرف آخر رستن را
با دژخیمان اگر شکنجه
اگر بند است و شلاق و خنجر
اگر مسلسل و انگشتر
با ما تبار فدایی
با ما غرور رهایی
به نام آهن و گندم
اینک ترانه ی آزادی
اینک سرودن مردم
امروز ما امروز فریاد
فـردای ما روز بزرگ میعاد
بگو که دوباره میخوانم
با تمامی یارانم، گل سرود شکستن را
بگو که به خون میسرایم
دوباره با دل و جانم
حرف آخر رستن را
بگو به ایران، بگو به ایران
"The Homeland"
"The homeland, a bird with the feathers in blood,
The homerland, a flower blossomed in blood,
The homerland, the plateau of the martyr and night,
The homerland, from tip to toe in blood,
The homerland, the song of a captive,
The homerland, an ode of ruination,
The stars, executed by the darkness,
Though they are crumbled onto the ground,
They will rise again at the dawn,
Sing, so that this captive tribe would sing again,
The master song of the breakthrough,
Tell the victimized tribe to sing with blood,
The last word of the liberation,
With the executioners,
Though there's torture,
Though there're rope, whip and dagger,
Though there're machine gun and ring,
With us, there's legacy of devotion,
With us, there's pride of liberation,
In the name of iron and wheat,
Behold, it's the song of freedom,
Behold, it's the singing of people,
Our today, the day of outcry,
Our tomorrow, the great promised day,
Say that I'll sing again,
With all my friends,
The master song of breakthrough,
Say that I'll sing with blood,
Once again with my heart and soul,
The last word of the liberation,
Say it to Iran, say it to Iran."
- Parviz Maghsadi
ايران غرق انقلاب است
کشور ما، تاریخ ما، درسی دگر فرا گرفته
گویی اهورا مزدا دوباره در نور خود مرا گرفته
اکنون سرودی سر میدهم باز، فارغ از رنج و تشویش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
هان ای پدر، هان ای پسر، برخیز و با ما شو همگام
تا درد آن تجربهی تلخ، ما را نکشیده در کام
بگذار هر دم بغرند گرگها در لباس میش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ای کارگر، ای برزگر، راهت کنون ادامه دارد
در این زمان که پرتوی یزدان از هر سو بر تو میبارد
پس پیش به سوی آزادی، از بحر خزر تا کیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
خلقها به پا، بهر دفاع، از استقلال و آزادی
تا بشکنیم پشت ارتجاع، پی ریزیم ایران آبادی
تا زنده سازیم سنتهای ملی، از هر آیین و کیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
نه خارجی، نه بیگانه، نه مستشارهای ویرانی
نه جیرهخواران، نه کاسهلیسان، فقط همرزمان ایرانی
تا با شرافت میهنی بسازیم بهر فرزندان خویش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
مردان بیایید داخل صف ما، اکنون که آغاز رؤیاست
دشمنان بدانید ما زنده هستیم، بعد از ما هم ایران پابرجاست
آن روح شیطان، ما را فریب داد با صد شعار مردمیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
پرچم ما، پرچم ایران، غرق خون شهیدان
روی شانه ها مان حمل میکنیمش، در هر خیابان و میدان
تا ماسک دلقکان را برداریم از روی تسبیح و ریش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
ایران غرق انقلاب است، به پیش، به پیش، به پیش
"Iran is embroiled in revolution"
"Our country, our history has shown another lesson
As if Ahura Mazda (supreme god in ancient Iranian religion) has caught me in his light again
I will sing an anthem now, free of pain and worry
Refrain: [Iran is embroiled in revolution
Forward, forward, forward]
Behold, oh father! Behold, oh Son! Stand up and join us
Before the pain of that bitter experience swallows us
Let wolves in sheep’s clothing howl every moment
Oh worker, oh farmer, continue the journey
Now that the light of god is shining on you from everywhere
So, forward for freedom, from the Caspian Sea to Kish Island
Stand up, people, to defend independence and freedom
To break the back of regression and build a prosperous Iran
To revive the national traditions of every religion and belief
Not with foreigners, aliens, or advisers of destruction
Not with flatterers or mercenaries, only with Iranian companions
So that we may honorably build a homeland for our children
Men, come into our ranks, now that the dream is beginning
Enemies, know that we are alive, Iran will survive strong even after us
That devil spirit deceived us with his hundred popular slogans
Our flag, the Iranian flag, is drowned in the blood of martyrs
We carry it on our shoulders in every street and square
To remove the masks of the clowns hiding behind the rosaries and beards
- Fereydoun Farrokhzad
"Tyranny halts life. It transforms distance into an active force while rendering meetings and togetherness passive."
"Tyranny scorches the soul and inflicts harm upon it, both seen and unseen. It's not just physical torture, imprisonment, exile, and suppression; tyranny withers away the vitality of human existence from every angle and at every moment."
"Imprisonment, psychological torture, constant solitary confinement, sentence after sentence; that hasn’t and is not going to stop me"
"I am going to stand up for freedom and equality even if it costs me my life"
(Nobel Peace Prize laureate)
- Narges Mohammadi
ای شادی!
ای شادیِ آزادی!
روزی که تو بازآیی،
با این دل غمپرورد
من با تو چه خواهم کرد!
غمهامان سنگین است.
دلهامان خونین است.
از سر تا پامان خون میبارد.
ما سر تا پا زخمی،
ما سر تا پا خونین،
ما سر تا پا دردیم.
ما این دل عاشق را
در راه تو آماج بلا کردیم.
وقتی که زبان از لب میترسید،
وقتی که قلم از کاغذ شک داشت،
حتی، حتی حافظه از وحشت در خواب سخنگفتن میآشفت،
ما نام تو را در دل
چون نقشی بر یاقوت،
وقتی که در ان کوچۀ تاریکی
شب از پی شب میرفت،
و هول، سکوتش را
بر پنجرۀ بسته فرو میریخت،
ما بانگ تو را، با فوران خون،
چون سنگی در مرداب،
بر بام و در افکندیم.
وقتی که فریب دیو،
در رخت سلیمانی،
انگشتر را یکجا با انگشتان میبُرد،
ما رمز تو را، چون اسم اعظم،
در قول و غزل قافیه میبستیم.
از می، از گل، از صبح،
از آینه، از پرواز،
از سیمرغ، از خورشید،
از روشنی، از خوبی،
از دانایی، از عشق،
از ایمان، از امید،
آن مرغ که در ابر سفر میکرد،
آن بذر که در خاک چمن میشد،
آن نور که در آینه میرقصید،
در خلوت دل، با ما نجوا داشت.
با هر نفسی مژدۀ دیدار تو میآورد.
در مدرسه، در بازار،
در مسجد، در میدان،
در زندان، در زنچیر،
ما نام تو را زمزمه میکردیم:
آن شبها، آن شبها، آن شبها،
آن شبهای ظلمت وحشتزا،
آن شبهای کابوس،
آن شبهای بیداد،
آن شبهای ایمان،
آن شبهای فریاد،
آن شبهای طاقت و بیداری،
در کوچه تو را جستیم.
بر بام تو را خواندیم:
روزی که تو بازآیی،
من قلب جوانم را
چون پرچم پیروزی
برخواهم داشت.
وین بیرق خونین را
بر بام بلند تو
خواهم افراشت.
روزی که تو بازآیی،
این خون شکوفان را
چون دسته گل سرخی
در پای تو خواهم ریخت.
وین حلقۀ بازو را
در گردن مغرورت
خواهم آویخت.
ای آزادی!
این فرش که در پای تو گستردهست،
از خون است.
این حلقۀ خون است.
گلخون است ...
ای آزادی!
از ره خون میآیی،
میآیی و من در دل میلرزم:
این چیست که در دست تو پنهان است؟
این چیست که در پای تو پیچیدهست؟
ای آزادی!
با زنجیر
میآیی؟ ...
"O Joy!"
"O joy!
O liberty!
O joy of liberty!
When you return,
What shall I do
With this melancholy heart?
Our sorrow is heavy,
Our hearts are bleeding,
Blood spurts from our heads to our feet,
From head to foot we are wounded,
From head to foot we are bloody,
From head to foot we are all pain.
We have exposed our loving heart to hazards
For your sake.
When the tongue feared the lip,
When the pen doubted the paper,
Even, even our recollection dreaded to speak during dreams,
We used to engrave your name in our heart
Like an image on turquoise.
When in that dark street,
Night followed night,
And the horror of its silence
Crashed on the closed window,
We spread your voice like spurting blood
Like a stone thrown in the swamp
On the roof and at the door.
When the deceit of the beast,
Disguised in Solomon's garment,
Wore the ring on his finger,
We used to rhyme your secret, like God's mightiest name
In poetry and ode.
We spoke of
Wine, of flower, of morning,
Of mirror, of flight,
Of Phoenix, of the sun.
We spoke of light, of goodness,
Of wisdom, of love,
Of faith, of hope.
That bird that journeyed in the cloud,
That seed in the ground that grow into a lawn,
That light that danced in the mirror,
And murmured to our heart's solitude,
Spoke of meeting you at every breath.
In the school, in the market,
In the mosque, in the town square,
In jail, in chains,
We murmured your name:
Those nights, those nights, those nights,
Those dark and horrible nights,
Those nights of nightmare,
Those nights of tyranny,
Those nights of faith,
Those nights of shouting,
Those nights of patience and awakenings,
We sought you in the street,
We called your name on the roofs:
I said:
"When you return
I will lift my young heart
Like the banner of victory,
And will hoist
The bloody banner
On your lofty roof.
I said:
"On the day that you return,
I will strew this blossoming blood,
Like a bouquet of rose,
At your foot;
And will hang
My rolling arms
Around your proud neck.
O liberty!
This carpet lying under your foot,
Is dyed with blood.
This flower garlands is made of blood,
It is the flower of blood...
O liberty!
You come through the alley of blood,
You will come and I tremble in my heart:
What is this which is concealed in your hand?
What is this which is twisted around your leg?
O liberty!
Are you
With chains?..."
(Translated by M. Alexandrian)
- Hushang Ebtehaj
قسم به عزت و قدر و مقام آزادی
که روحبخش جهان است، نام آزادی
به پیش اهل جهان محترم بود آنکس
که داشت از دل و جان، احترام آزادی
چگونه پای گذاری به صرف دعوت شیخ
به مسلکی که ندارد مرام آزادی
هزاربار بود به ز صبح استبداد
برای دسته پابسته، شام آزادی
به روزگار، قیامت بپا شود آن روز
کنند رنجبران چون قیام آزادی
اگر خدای به من فرصتی دهد یکروز
کِشم ز مرتجعین انتقام آزادی
ز بند بندگی خواجه کی شوی آزاد
چو «فرخی» نشوی گر غلام آزادی
"That inspiration of the world, whose name is freedom, I swear to the honor, magnitude and authority of freedom.
He who has respected freedom from the bottom of his heart and soul, is respected by the whole world. He that
does not believe in an ideology of freedom, is only able, at the invitation of the sheikh,
to eat the dinner of freedom with his hands and feet bound. They have been tyrannical a thousand times since morning,
but the oppressed will rise up in the cause of freedom, as those who will rise up on the day of Judgment. That day
I will be a reactionary against those who try to take revenge on freedom, if God gives me a chance, one day
I will no longer be 'Farrokhi', I will be a warrior slave of freedom, freed from the bondage of the wealthy men, I will be free."
- Mirza Mohammad Farrokhi Yazdi
"Une presse libre peut, bien sûr, être bonne ou mauvaise, mais très certainement sans liberté, la presse ne sera jamais que mauvaise. ... La liberté n'offre qu'une chance d'être meilleur, la servitude n'est que la certitude de devenir pire."
"A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom it will never be anything but bad. ... Freedom is nothing else but a chance to bet better, whereas enslavement is a certainty of the worse."
- Albert Camus
"Lad de faldne, folkets bedste, som gav Danmark frihedsdåben, række vilje, tro og våben til de næste."
"Let the fallen, the peoples' best, who gave Denmark the baptisme of freedom, pass will, faith and arms to those next."
- Axel Poulsen
"Як умру, то поховайте
Мене на могилі,
Серед степу широкого,
На Вкраїні милій,
Щоб лани широкополі,
І Дніпро, і кручі
Було видно, було чути,
Як реве ревучий.
Як понесе з України
У синєє море
Кров ворожу... отоді я
І лани, і гори -
Все покину і полину
До самого Бога
Молитися... а до того
Я не знаю Бога.
Поховайте та вставайте,
Кайдани порвіте
І вражою злою кров'ю
Волю окропіте.
І мене в сiм'ї великій,
В сiм'ї вольній, новій,
Не забудьте пом'янути
Незлим тихим словом."
"When I am dead, bury me
In my beloved Ukraine,
My tomb upon a grave mound high
Amid the spreading plain,
So that the fields, the boundless steppes,
The Dnieper's plunging shore
My eyes could see, my ears could hear
The mighty river roar.
When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears
Into the deep blue sea
The blood of foes ... then will I leave
These hills and fertile fields -
I'll leave them all and fly away
To the abode of God,
And then I'll pray ... But until that day
I know nothing of God.
Oh bury me, then rise ye up
And break your heavy chains
And water with the tyrants' blood
The freedom you have gained.
And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softly spoken, kindly word
Remember also me."
"The Caucasus"
"To My True Friend Yakov de Balmen,
'O that my head were waters,
And mine eyes a fountain of tears,
That I might weep day and night
For the slain...'
Jeremiah, Chapter 9, Verse 1
Mighty mountains, row on row, blanketed with cloud,
Planted thick with human woe, laved with human blood.
Chained to a rock, age after age
Prometheus there bears
Eternal punishment - each day
His breast the eagle tears.
It rends the heart but cannot drain
The life-blood from his veins -
Each day the heart revives again
And once again is gay.
Our spirit never can be downed,
Our striving to be free.
The sateless one will never plow
The bottom of the sea.
The vital spirit he can't chain,
Or jail the living truth.
He cannot dim the sacred flame,
The great god's fame on earth.
'Tis not for us to duel with Thee!
Not ours the right to judge Thy deeds!
Ours but to weep and weep, and weeping,
To knead the daily bread we eat
With tears and sweat and blood unending.
We groan beneath the yoke of hangmen,
While drunken justice sodden sleeps.
Oh, when will justice rise at last,
And God, when wilt Thou give
Thyself from all Thy toil a rest? -
And let the people live!
Yet we believe in Thy great might
And in the living soul.
There shall be liberty and right!
And then to Thee alone
All tongues will pray, all heads will bow
For ever and ever.
But in the meantime, rivers flow,
The blood of men in rivers!
Mighty mountains, row on row, blanketed with cloud,
Planted thick with human woe, laved with human blood.
'Twas there that We, the Gracious, found
Poor freedom hiding 'mid the crags
(A hungry thing, and all in rags),
And sick'd our dogs to drag her down.
A host of soldiers on those hills
Gave up their lives. And as for blood!?
All emperors could drink their fill,
In widows' tears alone they could
Be drowned together with their seed!
The sweethearts’ tears, in secret shed!
Unsolaceable mothers' tears!
The heavy tears of fathers hoary!
Not streams, but veritable seas
Of blazing tears! So - Glory! Glory!
To hounds, and keepers of the hounds,
And to our rulers golden-crowned Glory!
And glory, mountains blue, to you,
In ageless ice encased!
And glory, freedom's knights, to you,
Whom God will not forsake.
Keep fighting - you are sure to win!
God helps you in your fight!
For fame and freedom march with you,
And right is on your side!
A hut, a crus - but all your own,
Not granted by a master's grace,
No lord to claim them for his own,
No lord to drive you off in chains.
With us, it's different! We can read,
The Gospel of the Lord we know!...
And from the dankest dungeon deep
Up to the most exalted throne -
We're all in gold and nakedness.
Come, learn from us! We'll teach you what
The price of bread is, and of salt!
We're Christian folk; with shrines we're blest,
We've schools, and wealth, and we have God!
Just one thing does not give us rest:
How is it that your hut you've got
Without our leave; how is it we
To you, as to a dog a bone,
Your crust don't toss! How can it be
That you don't pay us for the sun!
And that is all! We're Christian folk,
We are not heathens - here below
We want but little!... You would gain!
If only you'd make friends with us,
There's much that you would learn from us!
Just look at all our vast domains -
Boundless Siberia alone!
And prisons- myriads! Peoples - throngs!
From the Moldavian to the Finn
All silent are in all their tongues
Because such great contentment reigns!
With us, a priest the Bible reads
And then to teach the flock proceeds
About a king of ancient times,
Who took to bed his best friend's bride,
And slew the friend he wronged besides...
Now he's in heaven! See the kind
We send to heaven! You're denied,
As yet, our holy Christian light!
Come, learn from us! With us, it's loot,
But pay the shot,
And straight to God,
And take your family to boot!
Just look at us! What don't we know?
We count the stars, and flax we grow,
And curse the French. We trade or sell,
And sometimes lose in cards as well,
Live souls ... not Negroes ... our own stock,
And Christians, too ... but common folk.
We don't steal slaves! No, God forbid!
We do not trade in stolen goods.
We act according to the rules!...
You love your brother as is writ
Within the Golden Rule?!
О damned by God, О hypocrites,
О sacrilegious ghouls!
Not for your brother's soul you care,
But for your brother's hide!
And off your brother's back you tear:
Rich furs for daughter's pride,
A dowry for your bastard child,
And slippers for your spouse.
And for yourself, things that your wife
Won't even know about!
For whom, О Jesus, Son of God,
Then wert Thou crucified?
For us good folks, or for the word
Of truth... Or to provide
A spectacle at which to laugh?
That's what has come to pass.
Temples and chapels, icons and shrines,
And candlesticks, and myrrh incense.
And genuflexion, countless times
Before Thy image, giving thanks
For war and loot and rape and blood,-
To bless the fratricide they beg Thee,
Then gifts of stolen goods they bring Thee,
From gutted homes part of the loot!...
We're civilised! And we set forth
To enlighten others,
To make them see the sun of truth...
Our blind, simple brothers!!
We'll show you everything! If but
Yourselves to us you'll yield.
The grimmest prisons how to build,
How shackles forge of steel,
And how to wear them!... How to pleat
The cruelest knouts! - Oh yes, we'll teach
You everything! If but to us
Your mountains blue you'll cede,
The last ... because your seas and fields
We have already seized.
And you, my good Yakov, you also were driven
To die in those mountains! Your life you have given
For your country's hangmen, and not for Ukraine,
Your life clean and blameless. 'Twas your fate to drain
The Muscovite goblet, the full, fatal draught!
Oh friend good and noble, who'll be never forgot!
Now wander, free spirit, all over Ukraine
And with the brave Cossacks soar over her coast,
Keep watch o'er the grave mounds on her spreading plains,
And weep with the Cossacks o'er all of her woes,
And wait till from prison I come home again.
And in the meantime - I shall sow
My thoughts, my bitter tears,
My words of wrath. Oh, let them grow
And whisper with the breeze.
The gentle breezes from Ukraine
Will lift them up with dew
And carry them to you, my friend!...
And when they come to you,
You'll welcome them with tender tears
And read each heartfelt line...
The mounds, the steppes, the sea and me
They'll bring back to your mind.
1845, Pereyaslav"
(Translated by John Weir)
- Taras Shevchenko
"Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля,
Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці.
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.
Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу,
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду."
"Ukraine’s glory and freedom/will have not yet perished,
Still upon us, young brothers, fate shall smile.
Our enemies shall vanish, like dew in the sun.
We too shall rule, brothers, in our country.
Soul and body shall we lay down for our freedom,
And we will show, that we, brothers, are of Cossack descent."
- The State Anthem of Ukraine
"I need ammunition, not a ride."
"We Ukrainians are a peaceful nation. But if we remain silent today, we will be gone tomorrow."
"If we come under attack, if we face an attempt to take away our country, our freedom, our lives and the lives of our children, we will defend ourselves."
"Our weapons are our truth, and our truth lies in the fact that this is our land, this is our country, our children, and we are going to defend all of this… Glory to Ukraine!"
"We do not hold out, we fight, and our nation will fight to the end. This is our home, we are protecting our land, our homes. For the sake of our children’s future."
"Nobody is going to enter and intervene with the freedom of our country."
"Ukraine is fighting the invader with weapons in hands, defending its freedom and European future."
"We are fighting just for our land. And for our freedom, despite the fact that all of the cities of our country are now blocked."
"Every square of today, no matter what it’s called, is going to be called Freedom Square, in every city of our country. Nobody is gonna break us."
"We have tasted freedom and we will not give it up."
"When you attack us, you will see our faces. Not our backs, but our faces."
"No panic. We’re strong. We’re ready for anything."
"We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will punish everyone who committed atrocities in this war... We will find every scum who was shelling our cities, our people, who was shooting the missiles, who was giving orders. You will not have a quiet place on this earth – except for a grave."
"We will build the country of opportunities, one where all are equal before the law and where all the rules are honest and transparent, the same for everyone. And for that, we need people in power who will serve the people."
"Peace is more important than profit."
"It's a victory when the weapons fall silent and people speak up."
- Volodymyr Zelensky
شکوه روشنایی
افق تاریک
دنیا تنگ
نومیدی توان فرساست
می دانم
ولیکن ره سپردن در سیاهی
رو به سوی روشنی زیباست
می دانی
به شوق نور در
ظلمت قدم بردار
به این غم های جان آزار دل مسپار
که مرغان گلستان زاد
که سرشارند از آواز آزادی
نمی دانند هرگز لذت و ذوق رهایی را
و رعنایان تن در تورپرورده
نمی دانند در پایان تاریکی شکوه روشنایی را
"Light’s Splendor"
"Dark is the horizon,
Confined is the world,
Hopelessness drains our might,
These, I know.
Yet, to move towards the light,
Surrounded by the dark,
Is such a delight!
Did you know?
In darkness, let the joy of light push you forth,
Worry not over tormenting sorrows!
For free birds, in garden born,
Though filled with songs of liberty
The joy of deliverance, have never known.
And, the hardy breed, in brightness bred,
Knows not what awaits them at darkness’ end:
Light’s splendor!"
(Translated by Franak Moshiri)
- Fereydoon Moshiri
"What has become of you who are satisfied with the disgrace of chains,
And bowed to those who have subjected you to humiliation?
You silence the loud cry of life when
Its echo sings a song in your soul.
You’ve become contented with living among caves.
Where is your song of freedom?
Where are your cries and moans?
Get up and go along the path of life,
For life does not await those who slumber."
"Ponder! Wherever you harvested
The heads of people and the flowers of hope,
And watered with blood the heart of the earth,
And let it imbibe tears until it became tipsy,
The torrent made of blood (of martyrs) will carry you away,
And the blazing storm gobble you down."
- Aboul-Qacem Echebbi
"Tell my people that I love them and that they must continue the fight, my blood will nourish the tree that will bear the fruits of freedom, Aluta continua (the struggle continues)."
- Solomon Mahlangu
"Every regime in the world, Islamic or non-Islamic, must stand with its people, and no regime will survive by the force of arms."
"My advice to the armed forces is not to stand against the people. You are the sons of the nation, and if the people want change from you, change yourselves."
- Mowlavi Abdolhamid
تفنگت را زمین بگذار
که من بیزارم از دیدار این خونبار ناهنجار
تفنگ دست تو یعنی زبان آتش و آهن
من اما پیش این اهریمنی ابزار بنیان کن
ندارم جز زبان دل، دلی لبریز مهر تو،
تو ای با دوستی دشمن!
زبان آتش و آهن
زبان خشم و خونریزی ست
زبان قهر چنگیزی ست
بیا، بنشین، بگو، بشنو سخن ـ شاید
فروغ آدمیت راه در قلب تو بگشاید
برادر گر که می خوانی مرا، بنشین برادروار
تفنگت را زمین بگذار،
تفنگت را زمین بگذار تا از جسم تو
این دیو انسان کش برون آید.
تو از آیین انسانی چه می دانی؟
اگر جان را خدا داده ست
چرا باید تو بستانی؟
چرا باید که با یک لحظه، غفلت، این برادر را
به خاک و خون بغلطانی؟
گرفتم در همه احوال حق گویی و حق جویی
و حق با توست،
ولی حق را ـ برادر جان ـ به زور این زبان نافهم آتشبار
نباید جست!
اگر این بار شد وجدان خواب آلوده ات بیدار
تفنگت را زمین بگذار!
"Lay down your arms!
I cringe at seeing this ugly, ruinous tool.
The gun in your hand speaks the language of fire and lead.
Faced with this demonic, destructive weapon,
I have nothing, but a heart filled with love for you
You! Who art the enemy of friendship.
The language of fire and lead
Is the language of anger and bloodshed,
It is the language of the tyrant's wrath,
Come, sit, talk, listen,
The light of humanity may penetrate your heart.
Brother! If you are addressing me, sit down like a brother,
Lay down your arms.
Lay down your rifle
So that the life-destroying demon may leave your soul.
What do you know of the ways of humanity?
If life has been given by God
Why should you take it away?
Why, as the result of one moment of hatred,
Should you mire your brother in dust and blood?
Let us imagine that at every moment, you tell and seek the truth.
Let us imagine that right is on your side.
But, my dear brother, you should not express truth
Through the tongue of this dumb killing tool.
If your sleepy conscience has wakened at last,
Lay down your arms."
(Translated by Dr. Farhang Jahanpour)
- Fereydoon Moshiri
بسیجی تیر را به سرم نزن
مادرم اذیت میشود
بزن وسطه سینه ام
"Basiji (member of paramilitary force) don’t shoot the shot to my head
My mother will be hurt
Shoot it to the center of my chest"
(Handheld placard at demonstration in Isfahan)
- Iranian protester
"What happens when they grab girls and stick them in the car with such ferocity and terror? Do they have the right? They know nothing about Islam, nor humanity."
(Uncle of Mahsa Amini)
- Safa Aeli
همغمِ غارت شده؛
آرزو-پرپر نباش!
خشمتو شعله کن و
رو به غارتگر بپاش!
«رو به رویا»
همین جمعه
"Looted fellow mourner;
Don’t be with shattered dream!
Ignite your anger and
Throw it at the looter!
'Facing the dream'
This friday"
- Iraj Jannati Atai
Majid Kazemi
الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام
"The people want to bring down the regime"
تجرّأنا على الحلم ولن نندم على الكرامة
"We dared to dream and we will not regret dignity"
- Syrian resistance
از زندان کوچک وارد زندان بزرگ شدم
(پاسخ یک زندانی سیاسی پس از آزادی از زندان)
"From the little prison I have entered the big prison"
(The response of a political prisoner upon release from prison)
- Sheyda Hamedani
"Imprisoning people has become useless, because Iran itself has become a prison."
- Katayoun Riahi
من عفو رهبری نمی خواهم زیرا رهبری را قبول ندارم
کاری نکردم که رهبر مرا عفو کند
خامنهای باید عذرخواهی و همه زندانیان را آزاد کند
(پاسخ یک زندانی سیاسی پس از عفو)
"I don’t want the pardoning of the leadership since I don’t accept the leadership
I haven’t done anything for the leadership to pardon me
Khamenei should apologize and free all prisoners"
(The response of a political prisoner upon pardoning)
فریاد میزنم تا دنیا صدای خانوادههای زندانیان سیاسی در ایران را بشنود؛ مرگ بر خامنهای
"I will scream until the world hears the voice of the families of the political prisoners in Iran; death to Khamenei"
- Fatemeh Sepehri
عفو نخواستم. کاری نکردهام که بخشیده شوم. این ملایان و سرداران هستند که باید دست به دامن مردم شوند تا آنان را ببخشایند. من در زندان میمانم تا ملایان و سرداران به زندان آورده شوند.
(با اعلام این که پیشنهاد عفو را نپذیرفته در متنی نوشت)
"I didn’t want pardoning. I have done nothing to be forgiven. It is the mullahs and the commanders that should beg the people for forgiveness. I will stay in prison until the mullahs and commanders are brought to prison."
(The response of a political prisoner upon rejecting proposed pardoning)
- Mohammad Nourizad
اوین شده دانشگاه، ایران شده بازداشتگاه
"Evin (notorious prison) has turned into a university, Iran into a detention center"
- Iranian protest chant
"While my captors epitomized the baseness of humanity, many of my fellow prisoners personified its nobleness."
"The only message that Iran’s leaders send the world by incarcerating such extraordinary people is that it revels in the endless depth of its gratuitous cruelty."
(Former imprisoned American hostage in Iran)
- Siamak Namazi
شهید نمیمیرد
"The martyr does not die"
(People's chant at funeral of killed protester)
- Iranian mourners
خون در زمین فرو نرفت. روی زمین پخش شد. از زیر هر سنگ جوشید و جوشید و به راه افتاد. هر کس آن را میدید، میفهمید جایی بیگناهی را کشتهاند.
"The blood did not sink into the ground. It spread on the ground. It boiled and boiled from under every stone and started moving. Anyone who saw it would understand that they had killed an innocent somewhere."
(Siavash's Mourning)
- Shahrokh Meskoob
"Umar bin S'ad, the commander of Yazid army, ordered his soldiers to cut Wahab's head off and throw it to his mother. The soldiers did that. Wahab's mother came forward. Picked up his severed head. Wiped the dust off his forehead, kissed it and threw it back saying: 'This was given away in Allah's way. It will not be taken back.'"
- Battle of Karbala
وَلَا تَقُولُوا۟ لِمَن يُقْتَلُ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ أَمْوَٰتٌۢ ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَآءٌۭ وَلَـٰكِن لَّا تَشْعُرُونَ
"Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead - in fact, they are alive! But you do not perceive it." (2:154)
وَلَئِن قُتِلْتُمْ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ أَوْ مُتُّمْ لَمَغْفِرَةٌۭ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَرَحْمَةٌ خَيْرٌۭ مِّمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ
"Should you be martyred or die in the cause of Allah, then His forgiveness and mercy are far better than whatever ˹wealth˺ those ˹who stay behind˺ accumulate." (3:157)
وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا۟ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ أَمْوَٰتًۢا ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَآءٌ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ
فَرِحِينَ بِمَآ ءَاتَىٰهُمُ ٱللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِۦ وَيَسْتَبْشِرُونَ بِٱلَّذِينَ لَمْ يَلْحَقُوا۟ بِهِم مِّنْ خَلْفِهِمْ أَلَّا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ
يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ بِنِعْمَةٍۢ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَفَضْلٍۢ وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُضِيعُ أَجْرَ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ
"Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for - rejoicing in Allah’s bounties and being delighted for those yet to join them. There will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. They are joyful for receiving Allah’s grace and bounty, and that Allah does not deny the reward of the believers." (3:169-171)
وَٱلَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا۟ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ فَلَن يُضِلَّ أَعْمَـٰلَهُمْ
سَيَهْدِيهِمْ وَيُصْلِحُ بَالَهُمْ
وَيُدْخِلُهُمُ ٱلْجَنَّةَ عَرَّفَهَا لَهُمْ
"And those who are martyred in the cause of Allah, He will never render their deeds void. He will guide them ˹to their reward˺, improve their condition,
and admit them into Paradise, having made it known to them." (47:4-6)
- The Quran
"But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed. 'And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.'"
- 1 Peter 3:14
"11 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
- Matthew 5:11-12
"Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?'"
- Matthew 16:24-26
"4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years."
- Revelation 20:4
"28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. 32 'Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.'"
- Matthew 10:28-33
"12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you."
- 1 Peter 4:12-14
"10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
- 2 Corinthians 12:10
"Podrán cortar todas las flores,
pero no podrán detener la primavera."
"You can cut all the flowers,
but you cannot keep spring from coming."
- Pablo Neruda
"Iyad ibn Himar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ أَوْحَى إِلَيَّ أَنْ تَوَاضَعُوا حَتَّى لَا يَبْغِيَ أَحَدٌ عَلَى أَحَدٍ وَلَا يَفْخَرَ أَحَدٌ عَلَى أَحَدٍ
Verily, Allah has revealed to me that you must be humble towards one another, so that no one oppresses another or boasts to another."
"Truly God instructs me to be humble and lowly and not proud, and no one should oppress others."
"Practice humility until no one oppresses or belittles another."
"If one knowingly goes to help an oppressor, he has apostasized from Islam."
"Indeed when people see an oppressor but do not prevent him from (doing evil), it is likely that Allah will punish them all."
"Help the oppressed and guide those who have lost their way."
"There is no sin more fitted to have punishment meted out by Allah to its perpetrator in advance in this world along with what He stores up for him in the next world than oppression and severing ties of relationship."
(Sahih Muslim 4884)
"I shall take revenge on the oppressor in this world and the next. I shall take revenge on someone who saw the person being oppressed and was able to help him but did not."
(Hadith Qudsi)
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
"We willed to show favor to those who were oppressed on earth, and to turn them into leaders, and make them the inheritors." (28:5)
"For oppression is even worse than killing." (2:191)
"You may also fight them to eliminate oppression, and to worship God freely. If they refrain, you shall not aggress; aggression is permitted only against the aggressors." (2:193)
"... and do not help one another in sin and aggression/oppression; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is severe in requiting evil." (5:2)
ٱدْعُ إِلَىٰ سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِٱلْحِكْمَةِ وَٱلْمَوْعِظَةِ ٱلْحَسَنَةِ ۖ وَجَـٰدِلْهُم بِٱلَّتِى هِىَ أَحْسَنُ ۚ
"Invite ˹all˺ to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and kind advice, and only debate with them in the best manner." (16:125)
فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍۢ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ ۖ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ ٱلْقَلْبِ لَٱنفَضُّوا۟ مِنْ حَوْلِكَ ۖ فَٱعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَٱسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِى ٱلْأَمْرِ ۖ
"It is out of Allah’s mercy that you ˹O Prophet˺ have been lenient with them. Had you been cruel or hard-hearted, they would have certainly abandoned you. So pardon them, ask Allah’s forgiveness for them, and consult with them in ˹conducting˺ matters." (3:159)
- The Quran
"Whoever assists an oppressor against an oppressed one always remains under Divine anger until he stops aiding the tyrant."
- Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq
دل و پشت بیدادگر بشکنید
همه بیخ و شاخش ز بن برکنید
بداد و دهش دل توانگر کنید
بر آزادگی بر سر افسر کنید
"Break the heart and back of the oppressor
Rip up from the bottom its entire root and branch"
"By justice and its fulfilment strengthen you heart
Wear the crown of liberty on head"
- Ferdowsi
Lakota Code of Ethics
"1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.
2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy - and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.
3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.
5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.
6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth - whether it be people or plant.
7. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression.
8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you.
9. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.
10. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism.
11. Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. They are part of your worldly family.
12. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life's lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.
13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.
14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.
15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self - all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.
16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions.
17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others - especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.
18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first.
19. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.
20. Share your good fortune with others."
"I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself."
- Lakota Chief Yellow Lark
"Be melting snow.
Wash yourself of yourself."
- Rumi
"To serve others, to be of some use to family, community, nation, and the world is one of the main purposes for which human beings have been created. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks. True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others."
- Native Code of Ethics
未能事人、焉能事鬼 敢
"Until you have learned to serve men, how can you serve spirits?"
- Confucius
"Yea, all of you gird yourselves with humility, to serve one another"
- 1 Peter 5:5
"Humans are commanded to care for God’s creation."
- Genesis 2:15
"Sincere and humble worship of God bears fruit not in discrimination, hatred and violence, but in respect for the sacredness of life, respect for the dignity and freedom of others, and loving commitment to the welfare of all."
- Pope Francis
"You shall not enter Paradise until you have faith; and you cannot attain faith until you love one another. Have compassion on those who are on earth and He in heavens will have compassion on you. God will show no compassion to one who shows no compassion towards fellow human beings."
"I am with the weak because aiding the weak and poor is the means of reaching Allah the Almighty."
"The most beloved of people to Allāh are those who are most beneficial to others"
إنَّ للهِ عز وجل خلْقًا خلقَهم لحوائجِ الناسِ، يفزعُ الناسُ إليهمْ في حوائجِهم، أولئكَ الآمنونَ من عذابِ اللهِ
"There are certain people whom Allāh has created to be at the service of others - people whom others flee to for their needs. Such people will be safe on the Day of Judgement."
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
"O seeker, know the true nature of your soul,
and identify yourself with it completely.
O Lord, (may we attain) the everlasting consciousness
of Supreme Light and Joy.
May we resolve to dedicate our life
to the service of humankind,
and uplift them to Divinity."
- The Yajur Veda
"Share your love, your wisdom, and your wealth and serve other beings as much as possible."
- Lama Yeshe
"Go ye bhikkus [wandering monks], and wander forth for the good of the many, for the welfare of the many, in compassion for the world, for the good, for the gain, for the welfare of gods and people."
- Vinaya Mahavagga
"The one who loves all intensely
begins perceiving in all living beings
a part of himself.
He becomes a lover of all,
a part and parcel of the Universal Joy.
He flows with the stream of happiness,
and is enriched by each soul."
- The Yajur Veda
ἐκ πάντων ἓν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς πάντα
"The one is made up of all things, and all things issue from the one"
- Heraclitus
Seven Values of Lakota Life
"1. Woc’ekiya
Praying: finding spirituality by communicating with your higher power, this is communication between you and Tunkasila without going through another person or spirit.
2. Wao’hola
Respect: for self, higher power, family, community and all of life.
3. Waun’sila
Caring and Compassion: love, caring and concern for one another in a good way, especially for the family, the old ones, the young ones, the orphans, the ones in mourning, the sick, and the ones working for the people.
4. Wowijake
Honesty and Truth: with yourself, higher power, and others with sincerity.
5. Wawokiye
Generosity and Helping: helping without expecting anything in return, giving from the heart.
6. Wah’wala
Humility: we have a spirit, we are no better nor less than others.
7. Wo’okagnige
Wisdom: practice with knowledge comes wisdom"
"Generosity and Helping: helping without expecting anything in return, giving from the heart."
- Values of Lakota Life
"Love has no calculating in it. That’s why it’s said to be a quality of God and not of human beings."
- Rumi
एषा तेऽभिहिता साङ्ख्ये बुद्धिर्योगे त्विमां शृणु ।
बुद्ध्या युक्तो यया पार्थ कर्मबन्धं प्रहास्यसि ॥
"The science of transcendental knowledge has been imparted to you, O Arjuna.
Now listen to the science of God-dedicated, selfless action (Seva), endowed with which you will free yourself from all Karmic bondage (suffering) and sin." (2.39)
- The Bhagavad Gita
"Seva is something that you do for others, for society without expecting anything in return, not even a thanks."
"Seva means to come to other’s help. To do things without expecting anything in return for yourself."
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
"Love in its purest form is a sharing of joy. It asks nothing in return, it expects nothing."
- Osho
"Real love begins where nothing is expected in return."
- Thich Nhat
"He who has realized the Truth, Nirvāna, is the happiest being in the world. … His service to others is of the purest, for he has no thought of self. He gains nothing, accumulates nothing, not even spiritual, because he is free from the illusion of self, and the 'Thirst' for becoming."
- Walpola Rahula
"In the case of just and unjust one should never ask, whether it pays off, for that is the interest of the devil."
- Kaj Munk
"In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples."
- Luke 14:33
"Freely you have received, freely give."
- Matthew 10:8
"Give freely, even if you have but little."
- The Dhammapada
"O believers give of what We have provided for you." (2:254)
"By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give freely of that which you love" (3:92)
- The Quran
"Abdullah Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
الْيَدُ الْعُلْيَا خَيْرٌ مِنْ الْيَدِ السُّفْلَى وَالْيَدُ الْعُلْيَا الْمُنْفِقَةُ وَالسُّفْلَى السَّائِلَةُ
The upper hand is better than the lower hand, the upper hand being the one that gives and the lower hand being the one that receives."
(Sahih Muslim 1033)
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
"Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
- Colossians 3:12
"All who fear the LORD will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech"
- Proverbs 8:13
"I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride"
- Psalm 101:5
"Mockers are proud and haughty; they act with boundless arrogance"
- Proverbs 21:24
"Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom"
- Proverbs 11:2
"You have been deceived by your own pride"
- Obadiah 3
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ مَن كَانَ مُخْتَالًا فَخُورًا
"Verily, Allah does not love those who are proud and boastful." (4:36)
إِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْتَكْبِرِينَ
"Verily, He does not love the arrogant." (16:23)
إِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ
"Verily, He does not love those who are extravagant." (7:31)
- The Quran
"If you yearn for holy felicity, shed your arrogance and become a seeker of hearts."
"Whatever you know, or don't - only Love is real."
عمر که بیعشق رفت هیچ حسابش مگیر
آب حیاتست عشق در دل و جانش پذیر
"If days pass without feeling love, don’t consider them as life
It is love that enlightens the heart"
یک ساعت عشق صد جهان بیش ارزد
صد جان به فدای عاشقی باد ای جان
"One hour of love is more valuable than a hundred worlds
It’s better to sacrifice a hundred lives over love, my beloved"
- Rumi
داستان مرد بیمار و بقراط
مرد بیماری نزد بقراط میرود و بقراط به محض دیدن آن مرد به او میگوید که من نمیتوانم تو را معالجه کنم. مرد فهمید که بیماری لاعلاجی دارد که بقراط نمیتواند او را معالجه کند. مرد ناامید شد و سر به بیابان گذاشت. در آنجا مرد چوپانی را دید و با او شروع به صحبت کرد. چوپان به او گفت سفر بخیر حال که از ایجا میگذری نزد من بنشین تا شیر داغ کنم و با هم بخوریم و آن مرد پذیرفت. چوپان شیری از میشی سیاه دوشید و در کاسه ای ریخت و چند سنگ بیابانی را در آتشی که بر افروخته بود انداخت تا سنگها گرم شود و بعد از گرم شدن آن سنگها آنها را برداشت و در کاسه شیر انداخت و گفت تا شیر گرم شود من بروم و برگردم.
مرد گفت من هم تا شیر خنک شود چرتی بزنم. در حالی که چرت میزد دید که ماری آمد تا شیر را بخورد و چون داغ بود سمش را درون کاسه شیر ریخت. مرد گفت من بهتر است به این چوپان رحم کنم و او بلندشد و تمام شیر را خورد تا چوپان از آن شیر نخورد. وقتی چوپان رسید مرد ماجرا را برایش گفت و چوپان گفت خوب تو حالا میمیری و مرد مریض گفت من مریضی بودم که باید میمردم و این کار را کردم تا تو زنده بمانی. بعد از مدتی مرد حالش بسیار خوب شده بود و سراغ بقراط رفته و میگوید ببین حال من خوب شد و تو نتوانستی مرا معالجه کنی. بقراط گفت که من نمیتوانستم تمام چیزهایی که میتوانست حال تورا خوب کند یکجا جمع کنم. اول شیر میش سیاه، دوم کاسه سر یک زنگی، سوم زهر مار و چهارم سنگهای بیابانی با خاصیت های مختلف. و این دوای درد تو بود و من نمیتوانستم آنها را تهیه کنم. مرد فهمید که بقراط بسیار میداند. اینجا مرد از بقراط خداحافظی کرد و به راهش ادامه داد.
"The story of the sick man and Hippocrates"
"A sick man goes to Hippocrates and as soon as he sees the man, Hippocrates tells him that I cannot cure you. The man realized that he had an incurable disease that Hippocrates could not cure. The man lost hope and went to the desert. There he saw a shepherd man and started talking to him. The shepherd told him to have a good journey, and now that you are passing by, sit with me so that I can heat some milk that we can drink together, and the man accepted. The shepherd milked a black sheep and poured it into a bowl and he threw some desert stones in the fire that he had lit so that the stones were heated, and after they were heated, he took them and threw them in the bowl of milk and said that until the milk is heated, I will go and come back.
The man thought that he would take a nap until the milk cooled down. While he was taking a nap, he saw that a snake came to drink the milk and because it was hot, it poured its poison into the bowl of milk. The man thought, it is better to have mercy on this shepherd, and he got up and drank all the milk so that the shepherd would not drink from it. When the shepherd arrived, the man told him the story, and the shepherd said, well you're going to die now, and the sick man said, I was a sick man who had to die, and I did it so that you could live. After a while, the man was very well and he went to Hippocrates and said, look, I got better and you couldn't cure me. Hippocrates said that I could not collect all the things that could cure you. First, black sheep’s milk, second, bowl of the skull of a slave (from Zanzibar), third, snake venom, and fourth, desert stones with different properties. And this was the medicine for your pain, and I could not prepare them. The man realized that Hippocrates knows a lot. Here the man said goodbye to Hippocrates and continued on his way."
- Folklore
زنده است آن که عشق میورزد
دل و جانش به عشق میارزد
"Alive is who is with love
Whose heart and life depend on love"
- Hushang Ebtehaj
"I believe in the religion of Love, whatever direction its caravans may take, for Love is my religion and my faith."
"Certainty (al-yaqin) does not derive from the evidences of the mind but pours out from the depths of the heart."
- Ibn Arabi
"There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart."
- Upanishads
"Appamādo amatapadaṁ, pamādo maccuno padaṁ,
appamattā na mīyanti, ye pamattā yathā matā."
"21. Mindfulness is the way to the Deathless (Nibbana); unmindfulness is the way to Death. Those who are mindful do not die; those who are not mindful are as if already dead."
- The Dhammapada
"Revered Nagasena, what is the nectar shop of the Buddha, the Blessed One?
Nectar, sire, has been pointed out by the Blessed One. With this nectar the Blessed One sprinkles the world with the devas; when the devas and the humans have been sprinkled with this nectar, they are set free from birth, aging, disease, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair. What is this nectar? It is mindfulness occupied with the body. And this too, sire, was said by the Blessed One: 'Monks, they partake of nectar (the deathless) who partake of mindfulness that is occupied with the body.' This, sire, is called the Blessed One's nectar shop."
"Revered Nagasena, what is the flower shop of the Buddha, the Blessed One?
… Whoever is anxious to get free from old age and death chooses one of these objective supports for meditation and, with this objective support for meditation, he is freed from lust, freed from hatred, freed from delusion, freed from pride, freed from false views; he crosses over samsara, stems the stream of craving, cleanses away the threefold stain; and when he has slain all the defilements and has entered the City of Nibbana that is stainless, dustless, pure, fair, birthless, ageless, deathless, blissful, cooled, and without fear, he sets free his mind in arahantship. This sire, is called the Blessed One's flower shop."
"Like food which sustains life, nibbana drives away old age and death; it increases the spiritual strength of beings; it gives the beauty of virtue, it removes the distress of the defilements, it drives out the exhaustion of all sufferings.
Like space, it is not born, does not decay or perish, it does not pass away here and arise elsewhere, it is invincible, thieves cannot steal it, it is not attached to anything, it is the sphere of ariyans who are like birds in space, it is unobstructed and it is infinite."
- The Milindapañha
"Meditating on the lotus of your heart,
in the center is the untainted;
the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless;
the inconceivable;
the unmanifest,
of infinite form;
blissful, tranquil, immortal;
the womb of Brahma."
- Kaivalyopanishad
"Sing the song of celestial love, O singer!
May the divine fountain of eternal grace and joy enter your soul."
- The Rig Veda
"Only love gives us the taste of eternity."
- Jewish proverb
"Love is the vital core of the soul.
And of all you see, only love is infinite."
عشق از ازلست و تا ابد خواهد بود
جویندهٔ عشق بیعدد خواهد بود
فردا که قیامت آشکارا گردد
هر دل که نه عاشق است رد خواهد بود
"Love is from the infinite and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death,
The heart that is not in love will fail the test."
بمیرید بمیرید در این عشق بمیرید
در این عشق چو مردید همه روح پذیرید
بمیرید بمیرید و زین مرگ مترسید
کز این خاک برآیید سماوات بگیرید
"Die! Die! Die in this love!
If you die in this love, Your soul will be renewed.
Die! Die! Don’t fear the death of that which is known
If you die to the temporal, You will become timeless."
- Rumi
هرگز نمیرد آن که دلش زنده شد به عشق
"The one whose heart is brought to life by love will never die"
- Hafez
האהבה לא תבל לעולם אך
Ἡ ἀγάπη οὐδέποτε πίπτει
ܚܘܒܐ ܡܡܬܘܡ ܠܐ ܢܦܠ
"Love is eternal."
"Love never fails."
"Love never ends."
- 1 Corinthians 13:8