Sunday 11 December 2016

The Christmas Star

Sirius, The Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. It’s actually a pair of stars: Sirius A, a star twice as massive and 25 times as luminous as our Sun, and Sirius B, a tiny white dwarf star. In 2005, astronomers used Hubble to “weigh” Sirius B, which is 98 percent the mass of our Sun. Its mass is compacted into a ball 7,500 miles across, smaller than Earth.

The Dog Star or The God Star Sirius, also known as The Christmas Star or The Star of Bethlehem.
"We have seen His Star in the east and have come to worship Him."
- Matthew 2:2
The Christmas Star
The light from this star falls
from heaven to illuminate the way,
Of wise men and simple shepherds
from then to this day.
It lights the way to the
kingdom of heaven which is within,
As we follow this light we come
to better know our kin.
When the light of this star penetrates
into one's heart,
The journey to enlightenment is sure to start.
The light is angelic
inside our heart is divine,
Looking now toward heaven
as our heart is incline.
The wise men knew from the
science they had,
The shepherds simply knew that
inside they were glad.
It matters not how we know,
What counts is that inside we grow.
The star shown bright casting
light upon he,
Who came to give love and wisdom
to the likes of you and me.
May the Christmas Star shine
bright upon you,
And rekindle the divine love in your heart anew.
May this love shine out to all
family and friend,
May it last all year long and never come to an end.
- Addison
